The Kristen Quiltalong Week 7 - Finishing Your Quilt

The Kristen Quiltalong Week 7 - Finishing Your Quilt

Normally in a quiltalong, this last week's post is pretty brief but I know there are some newer quilters participating this time so I am going to give a little more detail. If there is anything that I do not cover that you are still unsure about, please send me an email and ask me!

Long Arm Quilting Discounts

Don't want to quilt your own project? A couple of long-arm quilters have offered discounts for any quilts finished as part of the quiltalong.

USA - Heidi Rodli of Piece and Joy Quilting Co. 

10% off the entire price (including batting, thread, and backing if purchased through Heidi). 

Canada - O Begins Owl Longarming and Quilts

20% off quilting costs for 6 months after the end of the quiltalong

Constructing Your Backing

Sometimes making a backing fabric can be a little confusing for newer quilters (or for some not so new quilters!) so I have put together a visual guide for making each backing size. 

The Kristen Quiltalong Backing Instructions - Kitchen Table Quilting
The Kristen Quiltalong Backing Instructions - Kitchen Table Quilting
The Kristen Quiltalong Backing Instructions - Kitchen Table Quilting
The Kristen Quiltalong Backing Instructions - Kitchen Table Quilting
The Kristen Quiltalong Backing Instructions - Kitchen Table Quilting
The Kristen Quiltalong Backing Instructions - Kitchen Table Quilting
The Kristen Quiltalong Backing Instructions - Kitchen Table Quilting

Follow along!

The steps for this portion of the quiltalong are best shared in video format, so I have put together a YouTube video explaining everything from picking backing fabric all the way to attaching the binding to your quilt. I also uploaded the videos individually and you can find those here in my channel (check in both the "Videos" and "Shorts" tabs to see all of the videos).

Recommended Supplies

Scotch Painter's Tape for Hard to Stick Surfaces

Basting Safety Pins

Safety Pin Tool - I use a Kwik Klip, but these can be difficult to find because they are no longer produced. You can also use a Hera Marker, butter knife, or something similar. 

Hera Marker

16.5" Square Ruler

8.5" x 24.5" Ruler

If you have any thoughts about which pattern we should make for the next quiltalong, please let me know in the comments! I have enjoyed this process so much and seeing your quilts pop up on social media has been wonderful. Keep sharing!

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