A Scrappy, Rainbow Erica Quilt
There was no way I was going to make samples for the Erica Quilt without making a scrappy, rainbow version. This pattern is great for scraps in general, but it is especially good for making a scrappy rainbow.

My only debate was what to do with the background fabric for this quilt. I could have used a solid, but I was trying to keep things truly scrappy. Instead, I dug through the low volume part of my stash and pulled out a few pieces small pieces that I could finish off. This worked out great and I saved my yardage for a future project.

Since I always use batting scraps for scrap quilts, I did that as well using my favorite batting tape. This is an extra step that I always kind of dread, but it is such a useful way to use leftover batting pieces and saves me a little money.

The backing fabric is Ruby Star Society Grid print that I have had sitting around for a while. It felt like the right vibe for the quilt. The binding fabric is leftover from making backing for a sample for a future pattern so you are just going to have to wait to find out more.

The quilting is regular old, straight line quilting. It never gets old.

If you would like to make a version of the Erica Quilt Pattern just like this, start cutting your scraps! You can pick up a copy of the pattern in my shop.
Pam M on
Almost finished quilting my rainbow “Erica” and absolutely love it. Entirely scraps, with perhaps only three or four fabrics repeated (and each cut from a different part of the fabric, so each went into a different colour section). Strange to say, though – my scrap stash does not look one little big smaller!!!
Shanna on
I found this pattern when looking for ideas for color gradient quilts I can make from my mom’s quilting scraps in memory of her. This looks great but I’m curious what size scraps I’ll need for the squares? I have a lot of small scraps (3" square) and I’m wondering if they will work in this.
Ellie on
This quilt, to me is simply gorgeous. You or others may not feel the same but prior to me quilting, I researched quilting for nearly 2 years. Yeah, I’m kind of nerdy that way. However, by doing that I’ve seen quilts and quilts and MORE quilts. But, for me nothing compares to the beauty of this one. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! Texas
Janice on
This is going to be my first rainbow quilt, I’m so excited. Bought the pattern and have started cutting away.